Here are some important links of online databases related with scholary and professional researches.
Medinet is a Pakistani Medical Journals and Drugs Database, a non-funded local initiative to promote Pakistani based medical research and medical journals on the internet in open access. As of July 2015, the database indexes 78 medical journals published in Pakistan."
World e-journals Providing links to the world's electronic journals:
Wiley Online Library | African Studies | Asian & Pacific Studies | Biochemistry &Cell Biology | Botany | Buddhism | Chemistry | Chinese Studies | Eastern European Studies | Economic and Business History | Economics | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | History | History of the Health Sciences | Indonesia | Labor History | Microbiology | Middle East & Islamic Studies | Oceanography | Pharmacy | Psychology | Public Health | Scientific Journals: Top 500 | Social Policy Evaluation | Sociology | South & Southeast Asian Studies | Tibetan Studies | Women's History | Zen | Zoology